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Shovel Knight physical copy is coming this October

Shovel Knight – Physical Version Coming to a Store Near You!!!

It’s been a year since Shovel Knight dug into the hearts of people everywhere. Can you believe it? With more than 700,000 copies sold and over 100 awards including many Game of the Year accolades, Shovel Knight’s phenomenal success is something we never dreamed possible. Now, we’re ready to take the next step: into the REAL WORLD!!

That’s right! We’ve heard the demand, and now we have our biggest megaton announcement yet!!

Shovel Knight is coming to retail.

The Details

Pre-Orders should be live at your favorite retailer: Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, Gamestop, Amazon…you name it! To make as big of a splash as possible, and to let retailers know that they need to stock up, you should definitely pre-order now!! We’d consider it a huge personal favor; thanks in advance!

What’s in the box?!

The physical version of Shovel Knight contains everything we’ve released so far. First, there is the original Shovel Knight campaign with all the content you know and love! Also included is Shovel Knight’s first content update: Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. Finally, there’s a full-featured Challenge mode with more than 50 crazy challenge levels to explore!

Of course, like the digital version, every boxed version will also receive FREE future updates as they become available:

Specter Knight’s Campaign – A full campaign starring the shadowy scythe spinner!

King Knight’s Campaign – A crazy campaign with the gilded goob himself!

Battle Mode – Duel with up to 4 players as your favorite heroic or villainous knight! (Wii U/PS4/XB1/PC exclusive)

Body Swap Mode –  Did you ever wish Shovel Knight was a lady, or Shield Knight was a dude? Well, now you’ll be able to change them all around, along with the rest of the cast!

Oh, and one more thing: every boxed copy of Shovel Knight will include a lavish instruction booklet similar to the Kickstarter reward. No 2-page inserts here! You deserve a full manual, to hold in your hot little shaking hands and pore over as you wait to get home!

Yacht Club Games – Now a Publisher!!

Wait, but who is publishing the game?! We are! Yes, us! That’s right! The Yacht Club Games crew has joined the world of physical publishing. But we’re getting a big helping hand from our distributor U&I Entertainment, who will be shipping the game out to stores for us. They have done an amazing job with Telltale’s games like The Walking Dead, as well as Divinity: Original Sin, so we know they are up to the task! Fun Fact: they even shipped the original PlayStation back in 1995!

This is a whole new frontier for us, and we couldn’t be more grateful to have the amazing team at U&I at our backs to help us bring Shovel Knight to store shelves! This is just the beginning!

Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows – Coming Very Soon!

The wait for Plague of Shadows is almost over! This free update will definitely hit digital platforms BEFORE the boxed version. We’re in the home stretch and are polishing every detail, pixel, and potion right now. Check out some screens before the final version is released!

Remember that tough bookroom in Pridemoor? Look at a skilled Plague Knight just breeze on by it!

Battle Mode

Even in the chaos of all this new stuff, we are still plugging away on new features. New single player adventures are always fun, but it will soon be time to shake it up in Battle Mode! Lots of playable characters, stages, battle types, options, and more are coming! Here’s a taste:

We hope everyone is looking forward to the wild battles!

Look who's excited for the Physical Version's Launch!

That’s all for now!!

Wow…was that too much information? Stay tuned this coming month because we have even more crazy cool news to reveal. For instance, a final Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows release date and trailer! Also… we’ve heard the cries of bringing more exclusive content to Nintendo platforms. It might not be quite what you expect… but keep an eye out for another MEGATON announcement soon!

Will Shovel Knight take over the world? What will the new content be like? What is happening with the Nintendo versions? So many questions! Please let us know what you think of everything in the comments!



Sorce:  Yacht Club games press release 

My Thoughts

Shovel Knight was one of my favorite games of last year . If you haven't read my review of this game its here . I have no interest in a physical copy of the game but I guess some collectors are happy. I hope more people get an opportunity to play this wonderful game that couldn't before. I wonder what the megaton announcement they are referring to is , maybe Link from the Zelda 2 perhaps ? Who knows but I am definitely looking forward to the update and getting new content for the game .