3Deals 3D Wiggle

3Deals 3D Wiggle

We have a new 3Deal !

This time it's with 3D Wiggle Software. I have used this software and I can confirm that it's a great product. We have joined forces to provide you a great deal. 


What is 3D Wiggle Software? 


3DWiggle is a PC/ Mac desktop software for adjusting existing 3D images or creating new 3D images from two regular photos. Adjust or align any stereogram (stereo cards, cross-eye images or MPO) and create high quality 3D images according to your own needs. No automated software, no restrictions, no headache. AND NO additional expensive equipment! You can enjoy your 3D experience on all displays and without 3D glasses.

It’s easy! Take two photos (left and right) with your camera or download any stereogram from the web, upload them to the software and start playing! Make your MPOs, videos or animated GIFs more interesting and fun! What you’ll get is a wigglegram – a real 3D image that can be viewed on any standard screen without glasses.











Regular cost is $35 , but with our discount you get it for $28.00 .


The savings of 20% !!!


By purchasing this 3Ddeal it helps 3Dor2D.com generate revenue and continue to deliver more future content to you. 

Use the button below to activate this deal and purchase this software for yourself. 

Copyright 2016 Perspectives Software Solutions GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland, www.perspectives.ch . All Rights Reserved.


We recently recorded a audio podcast talking about this 3Deal , Click the button below to download and listen to it.

3DEALs with Amazon

3DEALs with Amazon

Popular retailer Amazon.com has provided us with a huge selection of 3Deals . 3D-Blu-rays , 3DS games, , 3D Toys, and more. This selection is vast with something for everyone and prices that anyone can afford.  Many 3Deal items I have even reviewed in the past !  So many bargains for Cyber Monday or any day of the week.  To view the deals please click the button below: 



What is 3DEALS?

What is 3DEALS? 

3Deals ( 3D Deals shortened ) is sponsored merchandise that can be purchased and some of the money goes to back to the 3dor2d.com . Websites cost money to maintain so this is your way to help out the site and for you to buy merchandise at the same time . For example if you buy a 3D Blu-ray for $9.99 via Amazon link provided by 3Deals you will receive the Blu-ray for a great price and I will receive a small amount of compensation for each transaction. Everyone wins ! This is a good deal for me , for you and for the venders !



If if you are a vender and want to participate in 3DEALS with your merchandise please send email to so we can work out a deal :


We will try to keep the deals fresh and have a large variety of things to buy from .  We should have some great deals coming soon so keep checking on this blog for further details in the near future.


The specific link for 3DEALS is : 
