Editorial - I Adolph Vega Endorse Joe Biden for President

Editorial - I Adolph Vega Endorse Joe Biden for President 


I Adolph Vega endorse Joe Biden for President and I ask you to vote for him today in the 2020 US general election. I was not paid by the Biden/Harris campaign and they have not asked me to do this. This decision was not made easily or lightly . I fully understand that this action may alienate and or anger some of the people who follow this website. I am sorry if this offends you but I feel in my heart that I must do this. I previously spoke out after the horrific murder of George Floyd, and now I must speak out again. I feel history will judge me for not speaking out at this time. 

I do this endorsement because this is not a normal time, and this is not a normal president. Under normal circumstances I would not get into politics so directly on this website. My intent is not to make 3Dor2D.com into a political website. I made this website to discuss 3D, not to talk about politics. In 2016 I didn’t feel the need to endorse anyone. 2020 is different and now I feel that I must take a side. The website’s reach is small, but I hope to make a difference and I hope to encourage at least one or two people to vote. Every vote does matter and your vote will matter. This website gives me a public microphone to reach out to the masses. I feel that I must use this microphone now that I have it. 3D is for everyone. 3D Movies, can be enjoyed by : Americans, Mexicans, children, adults, catholics, muslims, jews, atheists, men, women, trans people , gay people, non binary people, short people, tall people, thin people, obese people, disabled people, poor people, rich people , even people with chicken pox. Trump on the other hand is not for everyone. Donald Trump has never attempted to reach outside of his base of 44-46% of the US population that previously voted for him in 2016. Trump has created a toxic and hateful political landscape in America. I never seen this country so divided. If I were to review the Trump Presidency I would give him a 1/10. I neither have the time nor the energy to detail all of Trump’s failures from the last few years in office in this editorial. 

For this editorial I will focus on his response to the covid-19 pandemic. Donald Trump has mishandled the response to this virus from the beginning. Trump knew about the serious nature of this virus and he chose to ignore and minimize it. President Trump did this because he didn’t want to make a ‘panic’. This assumption by President Trump was wrong. Donald Trump said the corona virus was a ‘hoax’ made by the Democrats. Trump was wrong. Trump said the virus would go away magically. Trump was wrong. Trump said the virus would go away in the warmer weather. Trump was wrong. Trump never established a concrete plan to deal with the covid-19 pandemic, he punted and left it to the states and local municipalities to figure it out. To an extent this makes sense , as different states have different needs. The problem is this is supposed to be the United States of America and we should have a united front. This virus doesn’t care if you are from Arizona or Texas or California. Trump has failed us and now over 230,000 Americans are dead from this virus. I won’t blame Trump for this pandemic, but I will blame him for this pathetic response to this pandemic. Trump has said this pandemic is due to China and that he shouldn’t be held entirely responsible. I don’t care where this virus originated from , covid-19 could have come from Mars for all I care this virus is here in America and as the President he should have taken charge of the situation. Bush took charge after 911. FDR took charge after Pearl Harbor. Trump has not taken charge and has not risen to this moment in history. Trump doesn’t deserve a second term.  

I know what you maybe thinking. What makes me an expert ? Am I a doctor ? Am I a nurse ? Or am I an expert on pandemics ? Simply put I have no medical background. I graduated from the University of North Texas in Denton with a Bachelors Degree in Emergency Administration and Planning with a minor in Political Science. It doesn’t take a college degree to see all the failures of the Trump administration. This pandemic has negativity impacted this website. Countless 3D movies have been delayed because of this pandemic. It didn’t have to be this bad. Some of this was to be expected but not to this degree. 

If I get covid-19 I don’t know if I will survive. I am not confident that I will literally survive another four years of Trump as President. The last three years have been hard enough. If I don’t speak out now, then when ? Will 3D movies still exist in 2024 ? Will this website still exist in four years ? I simply don’t know. I don’t know if streaming will fully take over and make 3D theatrical releases a thing of the ‘olden days before covid’. I don’t know if this website will be worth while to work on if 3D goes extinct again. It looks like 3D is on its way out again so who knows if it will be worth while to even continue this website beyond 2021. This is why I have to speak out now.

Joe Biden is a good guy and I trust him. I liked him as Obama’s Vice President. I feel that he has the plans, experience and heart to do the right things to reunite this country , take this country forward and take control of this pandemic. I have to admit that I didn’t vote for him the primaries ( I voted for Bernie Sanders ) but I have no reservations supporting Biden now. I have never meet Joe Biden, but let me share a little story that I have about him. Several years ago I went to a local political party. This was a typical meet and greet political themed party. At this party they had some local candidates for office, different staffers from various campaigns and some donors. I vividly recall one group conversation that was about Joe Biden. This conversation was pure positivity. These are people who worked under him and have known Joe Biden for years. These people had cocktails and were relaxed and had no incentive to lie or exaggerate. Nobody had a negative thing to say about Joe Biden. They said that Joe Biden would remember birthdays of staffers and make them feel appreciated. They said that Biden was a fantastic person and they loved him. This positivity toward Biden was genuine and I never forgot it. I expected some gossiping and trash talk but I never expected all the gushing of praise and admiration they gave to Joe Biden at this local political party. 

To wrap up I must state that none of the staff of 3Dor2D.com have read this editorial before I published it. They were aware of this endorsement and gave me their insights and concerns before I drafted it. If you want to hate someone for this endorsement please go ahead and hate me. It’s ok I give you permission. I can take it. I rather you not hate me, but I get it and its fine. Trump has profited off hate and he has created a tribal (us vs them) atmosphere where you either love him and worship him as a new god or you are a critic and deserve to be hated. I only hope that you don’t transfer this hate to this website. Please don’t hate anyone else in the staff because of my political views. This website is for everyone and the views expressed in this editorial are mine alone. I just want things to get back to normal and I don’t believe that Trump is able to do that. Ultimately that is why I endorse Joe Biden and hope that you vote for him today, because I just want things to be normal and decent again. I believe that Joe Biden will heal this nation both literally and emotionally. I hope the best for your and your family during these difficult times. May God Bless the United States of America and the entire earth. 

Sincerely Adolph Vega, Founder, Editor-in-Chief and Director or 3Dor2D.com 

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